Smiled Mum

Planning a child? You find out that you’re pregnant? Congrats! Time to take care of yourself. One of the important elements of care for the pregnant woman is dental care. Since the 90?s of the twentieth century we know that prevention and treatment of periodontal disease during pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of premature birth. It is believed that about 20% of preterm births and low birth weight are associated with periodontal inflammation. Risk of preterm birth was found to increase with women with periodontitis, compared to women without inflammation. At the same time it was shown that with women with periodontal disease who  underwent dental treatment and were trained in proper care of oral hygiene, achieved significantly reducing the rate of preterm births with low birth weight.

A pregnant woman should visit a dentist regularly. The first visit should take place before conception to exclude reproductive problems due to dental reasons. Subsequent visits should take place in the middle of the following trimesters.

Although treatment during pregnancy is safe, you are sincerely welcome to visit before pregnancy to take an Xray of all teeth(panoramic X-rays) and treat the teeth. Meeting with a dentist during pregnancy will then be a formality and will sustain the effects of treatment. Keep in mind that taking care of your teeth, the expecting mother  also cares about the health of her unborn child.

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